We would like to introduce you to two of our students, Lydia from the East Africa Secondary and Vocational School and Ramathan from the Tasaaga Primary School.
Meet Lydia:
13 Years old - SENIOR 1 (9th grade equivalent)
BOARDING STUDENT FROM nSadzi Island, Lake Victoria
Peer Elected Student Body President
Career Aspiration: To become the first female President of Uganda
Lydia is one of the inspirational future-leaders breaking ground with TASAAGA’s East Africa Secondary & Vocational School. As a first-year Secondary School student (Senior 1, the equivalent of 9th grade), Lydia comes to TASAAGA as a sponsored boarding student from Nsadzi Island, a small community 2 hours off the shores of Entebbe on Lake Victoria. TASAAGA focuses on bringing female students from the Kome Islands (of which Nsadzi is a part of) given their lack of secondary schooling available and low female-to-male attendance rates. On Nsadzi in particular, the education of young men is valued more important than that of young women given their traditional views of women becoming early wives and mothers. TASAAGA believes in equal opportunities for young men and women and provides dedicated financial aid and additional support to ensure young women, such as Lydia, have equal access to education and vocational skill development.
Lydia was picked by her teachers and administration as a true example of success within the new East Africa Secondary & Vocational School given her demonstrated leadership skills, devotion to furthering her education, and high career aspirations of one day becoming the first female Ugandan President.
As a first-year student, Lydia campaigned to become the school’s Student President and won. She earned the trust of her peers because she is “someone who can calmly and articulately convey challenges, present possible solutions, and work with students and administration alike to come to resolution” one teacher quoted.
When asked to comment on her experience with TASAAGA and her education, Lydia said “I don’t have a guarantee for my future, but right now I know I need to study. I know what it can lead to”. Lydia derives confidence from her education and is “fearless in confronting issues presented to her” says her teacher, Ramah - “we are excited to see what the future holds for her.”
With the support of our donors, Friends of TASAAGA and TASAAGA partner to ensure students such as Lydia receive equal opportunities to live out their full potential.
Meet Ramathan
13 Years old - Primary 7 (8th grade equivalent)
bOARDING STUDENT FROM Kimi Island, Lake Victoria
Career Aspiration: EngineeR
Ramathan is a rising leader creating success for himself through TASAAGA’s OVC (orphan and vulnerable children) Primary School. In his third year with TASAAGA’s OVC Primary School, Ramathan transferred from a primary school on his home island of Kimi, located 2 hours off the shores of Entebbe on Lake Victoria. His previous school only provided education through Primary 4 (equivalent to grade 5). Without financial support and outreach coordination provided by TASAAGA, Ramathan’s education opportunity might have been limited to Primary 4.
Ramathan was picked by his teachers and administration as an inspirational example of success within TASAAGA’s OVC Primary School for his ability to effectively balance all study subjects, be a peer-educator, and for his innate leadership skills. Ramathan “loves and respects his teachers” and is “constantly consulting the teachers on how they can improve in the classroom and be better for the students” said his teacher, Irene.
This year, Ramathan was elected as the head-prefect, overseeing 14 prefects from the various classes at the school. In this role he serves as a voice for all students to the teachers and administration. Another teacher, Grace said “whatever Ramathan does, he will be a leader in that work”.
When asked about his experience with TASAAGA’s OVC Primary School, Ramathan said “I have only been here for 3 years but it is the best school I have ever attended, I am so grateful to be here”. His favorite subject is mathematics and he attributes his interest and success in mathematics to his former teacher, William. When asked about his career aspirations, Ramathan said “mathematics is my best class and I want to be an engineer someday – I could not have learned mathematics without my TASAAGA teacher, William…he taught me everything.”
With the support of our donors, Friends of TASAAGA and TASAAGA partner to ensure students such as Ramathan receive equal opportunities to live out their full potential.