Reflections from our recent visit to Sitabaale
In August, Friends of TASAAGA spent 2 weeks in Sitabaale with our students and staff. We were reminded of the old adage that talent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not. The young people receiving an education and vocational training at the TASAAGA East Africa Secondary and Vocational School are smart, passionate, and kind.
We heard story after story of the individual impact and the difference education and a safe, supportive community is creating for these students. They aren't just attending classes, they're embracing education as a powerful tool for change in their lives.
We spent time with two of our boarding students who had been "street kids" in Kampala from a very young age. One was an orphan and the other had run away from a difficult home environment. We were inspired by their stories; from living on the streets and doing whatever it took to survive, to growing into promising young adults and students who love history, science, music, and sports. Thanks to the work of our staff and teachers, their futures look bright.
We spent time with another student who graduated from TASAAGA Primary School top of her class. While she still has both of her parents, she comes from a strict and conservative Muslim family and her father was not supportive of her continuing her education. He refused to allow her to attend school beyond primary and instead, wanted to have her married. Our staff, working with the girl's mother, convinced the father to allow her to attend TASAAGA East Africa Secondary and Vocational School as long as he did not have to pay for it or hear about it. Now, with a full scholarship and room and board, she continues to be a top student in her class.
While each of our student's stories is unique, there is a clear trend: our students are curious, talented, have big dreams, and want to build a better future for themselves and their communities. Their growth has been limited due to circumstance, not ability, and they see education as the key to their future.
One of the most rewarding parts of our trip was seeing how much the school has grown and evolved over 5 years. We started with 18 students in 2018 and today, serve 125. We have confidence in our ability to continue to support these students and are building the infrastructure and capacity to serve up to 300 more students in the future.
We are returning home energized and inspired by the impact being created in Sitabaale and we are grateful to all of TASAAGA's supporters -- our donors, partners, and especially our staff -- for what they give to these students and their communities every day. We have an ambitious vision for this school and are excited to build toward the future together.
IMPACT SPOTLIGHT: New School Building Capital Project
To continue scaling the school's impact, we are currently in the middle of a major capital project to complete a four-story permanent home for the TASAAGA East Africa Secondary and Vocational School in Sitabaale.
Having completed the basement level (5 classrooms) in 2021, we are planning to complete the three remaining floors between December 2023 and March 2024. The end result will include the following and be able to support up to 450 students:
8 Academic Classrooms
5 Vocational Classrooms
2 Science Laboratories
1 Library
1 School Clinic
2 Boarding Dormitories
3 Offices & 1 Staff Room
We are 50% of the way to our $120,000 fundraising goal to initiate and complete the frame of the remaining floors of the building, which will create a usable facility for our students and staff. We will then complete the finishings in a second phase starting in 2024.
Investing in this additional space enables TASAAGA to:
Scale its mission of supporting the education and empowerment of orphans, vulnerable children, and their communities
Support up to 450 students (currently supporting 125)
Increase health and safety for students and staff with secured and owned structure and more sanitary dormitory and bathroom facilities
Increase quality of academic and vocational programming due to better classrooms and dedicated library and laboratory spaces
Move toward long-term sustainability by eliminating annual rental fees and increasing school revenue to offset subsidized orphan and vulnerable students
Completing this construction is critical for the future of our studetns and school. Individual donations are greatly appreciated but we know that to get this done, we will likely need larger contributions as well. If you or others in your network have creative ideas for accessing corporate, philanthropic, or other gifts, please let us know! We invite you to partner with us on this effort.
Students love science!
Science classes are currently held in a makeshift, outdoor laboratory. With the near-term construction of the school building, we are excited to create dedicated space for continued hands-on science learning.
Student Prefectorial Body
The TASAAGA East Africa Secondary and Vocational School has a strong group of student Prefects leaders. Elected by their peers, these student leaders have responsibility over various divisions of the school's daily activities and serve as liasons to staff and role models to the student body.
Thanks to our Academic, Vocational, and Administrative Staff
It is because of the these leaders and their committment to creating equitable learning and development opportunities for disadvantaged youth that TASAAGA can positively impact over 120 young boys and girls who would otherwise lack access to quality education.
Music and Dance
Music and Dance are a key componant of Ugandan culture. Every Thursday and Saturday the school band practices with a volunteer teacher. The music reverberating through the school compound is enjoyed by all.